Our Clients Define Us

Digital ChoreoGraphics is proud to be measured by the calibre of its Clients, Clients for whom Only Perfection is Adequate. Step up and join our ranks - Companies for whom we've provided solutions and built products:

  • Azon Corporation
  • Beckman Instruments
  • Burroughs Corporation
  • C4 Imaging Systems
  • CADTrain, Inc.
  • Calcomp
  • Compulaser, Inc.
  • CompuServe, Inc.
  • CTA, Inc.
  • Cubic Corporation
  • Design Imaging Group
  • Emulex Corporation
  • Ford Aerospace/Aeronutronics
  • Floor Coverings, International
  • General Instruments
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
  • ICSim, CTA Simulation Systems
  • Infodetics
  • Infographics
  • International Harvestor
  • Integrated Computer Systems
  • Jet Propulsion Laboratories (JPL)
  • Lockheed-Martin Defense Systems
  • Marshal Space Flight Center
  • Manufacturing Data Systems, Inc.
  • Mattel Electronics
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
  • New Image Industries
  • Omnica
  • Pacific Aerosystem,Inc.
  • Pepperdine University
  • Persyst
  • Rockwell International
  • SAI Technology
  • Science Applications International Corporation
  • Spectrum 8
  • Synergetics, Inc.
  • Sperry Univac
  • The Source
  • TRW Space Systems
  • United States Geological Survey (USGS)
  • Visual Presentation Systems
  • WaveTek, Inc.

    CADTrain, Inc.
    Newport Beach, CA

    We built CADTrain's Skills Assesment Test Development and Delivery System. This is an Internet/Intranet Based test delivery and grading tool. All processing occurs on the 'Client-Side', thus relieving the Server of any administrative or computational duties.

    The Server downloads the HTML/JavaScript Pages, the Client delivers and grades the Test, then uploads a resulting score either via a FORM or Email - without intervention.

    Design Imaging Group

    Digital ChoreoGraphics designed and developed both the SPLASH! and PlanScape software products for Design Imaging Group. The products are Windows based Computer Aided Design (CAD) packages. The products run under Windows 3.1, Windows '95 and Windows NT.

    The products are extremely easy to use. In addition to ALL the usual CAD functions, the Products include a feature wherein the designer can capture that graphic that he sketched on the back of a bar napkin. The product allows the designer to FAX a hand sketched image into the Product, then to trace over the sketch - this is DCG's Bar Napkin Paradigm (patent pending).

    Furthermore, the Product will allow the designer to use a cookie cutter of his own design to cut out patterns in his pool outline - The Cookie Network Paradigm (patent pending) - thus enhancing the Bar Napkin Paradigm.

    The Products also provided for cost estimation. Using the CAD dimensions and an integrated unit cost database, a written estimate could be generated for the designer's customer.

    C4 Imaging Systems
    Denver, CO
    A subsidiary of AZON, Inc.

    Digital ChoreoGraphics created an HPGL and a CalComp 'RIP' for C4 Imaging Systems that runs under both Unix and Windows NT. These software packages 'emulate' hardware plotter sold by Hewlett-Packard and CalComp, respectively. This allows a CAD shop to plot their CAD drawings on any Raster Plotter (e.g. an HP LaserJet or other raster printer).

    These software packages would convert a Hewlett Packard Graphics Language plot descriptor file or a Calcomp Plot File into a Raster representation of the vector plot file of arbitrary size. Plots sizes are typically 54" x 36".

    The same source code will compile and execute on both Unix and Windows-NT operating systems, as well as DOS.

    Floor Coverings International
    Atlanta, GA

    Digital ChoreoGraphics built one of the first Point-Of-Sale (POS) Virtual Reality systems. The product was to provide 'sizzle' during the sale, and reduce the time it took a salesman to 'close' a prospect.

    The Floor Visions System (FVS/I) will allow a Carpet Salesman to scan in the room of a customer's home with a CamCorder, then texture map a carpet onto the floor of the picture so that the customer can SEE how the selected carpet will look in his home.

    The processed images can be displayed via the salesman's laptop, or on the customer's own TV.

    Omnica, Inc.
    Irvine, CA

    Digital ChoreoGraphics designed and developed the User Interface for a Blood Spectrum Analyzer. This medical instrument is used during dialysis to monitor the patient's progress during the blood dialysis process.

    The device consisted of spectral analysis hardware, an lcd display, a few switches, a Single Board Computer (SBC), and a diagnostic modem, and a printer.

    The software controlled and monitored the spectral analysis sub-system, performed data collection, prompted the operator for patient information, presented progress information and patient status, and generated a printed report.

    United States Geological Survey (USGS)

    Performed task requirements analysis for the Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle project. Determined the software requirements to display the DOQ's from CDRom to a standard personal computer display.

    USGS requested that Digital ChoreoGraphics provide the art for a National Geographic Society Magazine fold-out. The image was to be a view of the Rocky Mountains as seen from a point over the coast of the American Pacific Northwest. A few 'comps' are shown here.

    Irvine, CA
    Was bought by CTA, Inc., then spun off as CTA Simulation Systems>.

    Digital ChoreoGraphics optimized the terrain rendering sub-system of the Client's Tactical Flight Simulation System.

    The hardware consisted of an SGI workstation running Unix and containing the SGI graphics engine with SGI's OpenGL support.

    DCG rewrote and optimized the terrain rendering Sub-system to provide a realtime update rate. The optimization was based upon a paradigm shift conceived by DCG's owner. Performance was improved by more than an order of magnitude.

    New Image Industries, Inc.

    Digital ChoreoGraphics designed and developed the ImageCAD program. The ImageCAD concept, a derivative of DCG's EAGER 3D Product, allowed an Architect to place a rendered 3D CAD drawing on a photograph of a building site, with proper scale and perspective.

    The Architect's Client could then 'see' what the house would look like on the Site without having to 'envision' it from a CAD drawing.

    The CAD object was rendered in 3D with proper perspective and shading in full color. The code was designed to run under DOS in a 1MB system.

    Jet Propulsion Laboratories
    Pasadena, CA

    Please go here for the full story.

    MSAT-X : Mobile Satellite Telecommunications Experiment

    Digital ChoreoGraphics designed and developed the Modem Software and Diagnostic I/O Hardware for the MSAT-X project. The project was funded by a consortium of satellite communications organizations.

    This is the technolgy that went into your personal digital cellular telephone.

    Cubic Corporation
    Cubic Defense Systems
    San Diego, CA

    The Cubic Corporation was contracted by the Air Force to build the electronic Flight Arena for the ACM wherein the Top Gun pilots practise their dogfight maneuvers. This is the same system who's output was seen in the Tom Cruise movie "Top Gun".

    Transponders were mounted upon the aircraft, and were queried by radar emplacements surrounding the aerial arena. The transponder / radar sub-systems could determine the position, attitude and velocity of the aircraft.

    This information could be displayed in realtime on 10-foot displays in classrooms on the ground, or be recorded for later playback. Other pilots and trainers could observe the dogfights live from the classroom, or the participating pilots themselves could be debriefed later during the replay of the mission.

    The computer system symbolized the aircraft with wireframe figures (this was 1970's technology), and could display the aerial arena from any point of view. The instructor could watch and display the mission - from "God's Eye" (plan view), from any participating aircraft's cockpit, or literally any arbitrary position within the arena or relative to an aircraft, or fly the point-of-view with a joystick via a 'virtual' aircraft.

    The ground based computers could also simulate the paths and results of weapons fire and Air-to-Air missle launches, and indicate in realtime the accuracy and success of the encounters.

    White smoke and black smoke emitting devices were also installed under the wings of the aircraft to indicate system status to other aircraft. The white puffs indicated a missle was launched from the aircraft, while black smoke indicated that an aircraft was damaged by a weapon.

    An example of this system is shown in a scene at ~50.5-51.5 minutes into Top Gun: The character played by Kelley McGillis (the female weapons consultant) is explaining a maneuver in front of a computer monitor that displays the wire frame symbols of mountains and aircraft.

    Georgia State University

    Under Construction

    Georgia Tech
    Georgia Institute of Technology

    Under Construction

    The Learning Tree
    Santa Monica, CA
    Formerly "Integrated Computer Systems"

    Lead workshops and seminars in microcomputer software engineering, project management and related fields. Edited the Text Book and Course Notes for both the Programming and the Digital Hardware Design courses.

    Under Construction

    Lockheed-Martin Defense Systems

    Under Construction

    Marshal Space Flight Center

    Under Construction

    Mattel Electronics
    Torrence, CA

    Implemented the first interactive educational development and delivery system with graphics and download-to-micro capablility. A Client/Server system that predated the use of the terminology.

    The system was written in Fortran II and ran on a VAX under AT&T Unix. The package could cross-compile educational courseware for the Zilog Z-80 micro-processor chip.

    It was the first Educational Cross-Compiler for a Video Game platform. Yet another first for Digital ChoreoGraphics. It might still be the only Educational Cross-Compiler for a Video Game.

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

    Digital ChoreoGraphics designed and developed the 3 Dimensional Visualization and Animation software used to present the data captured from the Goldstone Radar facility.

    This 3D animation package generated flybys of Mars and Venus from this Earth-based radar altitude and ranging data.

    Please go here for more information.

    Pepperdine University
    Malibu, CA

    Designed, Implemented and Installed a Computer Based Training Development and Delivery System based on the Pilot CAI Language.

    Under Construction

    Rockwell was contracted by the DOD to use the PAVETACK FLIR POD as a test fixture in a 256 Processor Motorola 680x0 application. Rockwell then contracted Digital ChoreoGraphics to evaluate the status of and reprogram the FORD PAVETACK POD to perform the functions required within the aegis of the DOD contract.

    Digital ChoreoGraphics built a Navigation computer emulator to confirm that the PAVTACK POD's signals were generated according to Specifications.

    Sperry Univac

    Under Construction

    WaveTek, Inc.
    San Diego,CA

    Under Construction

    CalComp, Inc.
    Anahiem, CA

    Provided technical management of Calcomp's "skunk works" during research, analysis and design of Capricorn, Scorpio and Aquarius projects.

    PRISMA System

    Designed and developed the Scorpio Executive, a Unix-like multi-tasking real-time operating system for graphics (CAD/CAM) applications on the Motorola MC68020. Included I/O drivers for Joystick, Printer, Graphic Tablet, Terminals and 1024 x 1280 x 8 Graphics Screen.

    Designed and implemented the Calcomp Graphics Engine, a set of graphic functions to display transformed ( scaled, rotated & translated) primitives ( line, arc, ellipse, conical section, filled polygon). Followed Computer Graphics Interface (CGI) conventions. Software written in both 'C' and MC68020 Assembly code.

    A team of 6 junior & senior level programmer/analysts in developement phase. Entire project completed in less that 6 months by a 7 member team.

    Aquarius Project

    Specify hardware requirements to meet product specifications. Participate in hardware redesign and review.

    Designed the Fast Display Processor, a software package to trace and display a (PHIGS-like) hierarchical data base as fast as the existing Calcomp dedicated Picture Processor hardware (consisting of 3 micros, 2 bit sliced processors, line generator, etc.). Lead a team of 4 senior level software engineers in implementation.

    All three of the above packages were the foundation of the Calcomp Aquarius CAD/CAM product.

    Capricorn Project

    Conducted research and evaluation into 3D hardware/software/data base state-of-the-art for the proposed 3D point-of-view scene generation product.

    Masscomp 68010 w/ Unix
    Propietary MC 68020 system
    'C', MC68020 ASM.
    CAD; GUI; Realtime Multi-tasking Operating System; Graphics; Realtime Display Technology

    Ford Aeronutronic
    Newport Beach, CA
    Acquired by Loral, which then merged with Lockheed.

    VME-BUS Hardware
    Provided requirements analysis, specification generation, and design of a mil-spec VME-Bus graphics board hardware and support firmware.

    PAVETACK Project
    PAVETACK FLIR (Forward Looking Infra-Red) Pod is a targeting and navigation sub-system that the US Department Of Defense (DOD) mounted on F-4's and F-111's for all branches of the Service. We rebuilt and upgraded the software embedded within the PAVETACK Pod that controlled this sub-system and the F-4 and F-111 targeting and navigation computers. FORD's PAVETACK sales materials are available here. This project required that Digital ChoreoGraphics provide technical expertise in the following areas:

    Data General Eclipse 'mini'; IBM 4-Pi 'mini'; IBM 376 & 370 'mainframes'
    Fortran; Assembly; Cross Assemblers
    3D Algorithms; Mulit-Dimensional Transforms; Realtime Data Acquisition; Realtime Process Control; Timewise Optimization;

    Pick here for more information and pictures.

    VATS Project
    An upgrade to PAVETACK to provide computer assisted target recognition, acquisition and tracking. PAVETACK was used as the test fixture for the prototype development.

    Newport Beach, CA

    Ported an IBM-PC graphics package from Digital Research's GKS support software to Digital Research's GEM graphics software.

    'C', MC68020 ASM

    Anahiem, CA

    Designed & developed on PERQ bit sliced Pascal computer:

  • User friendly GUI for Image Processing applications.
  • IEEE-488 (GPIB) I/O Driver for image processing application.
  • RS-232c I/O Driver for terminal emulation.
  • Data General terminal emulator.

    PERQ Workstation
    Pascal, microcode

    Audrey, Inc.
    Newport Beach, CA

    PERQ Workstation; Digital Camera; 24b Display
    Pascal, microcode
    Image Processing; OCR; Feature Extraction; Raster-to-Vector Processing; Optimization

    Developed Pan & Zoom image processing software using the "Raster Op" algorithm of the PERQ microsystems computer. Developed Virtual Image software to Pan/Zoom/Edit and enhance 18 Mega Pixel raster images on a 1 Mega Byte system.

    Image processing software included convolutions, digital filtering, edge enhancement, pattern recognition, etc., as well as conventional graphic editor cut, paste & merge operations.

    Artificial Intelligence "Expert Systems" software used to vectorize raster images ( text, topographic maps, schematics, engineering drawings, etc)

    Visual Presentation Systems
    Los Angeles, CA
    circa 1984

    BASIC, 8088 ASM

    Early PC based CAD prototype. This was a Computer Aided graphic sketch & edit package for the Interior Design trades. Implemented vector graphic data base manager, User Interface and graphic primitives. Optimized time critical areas for speed.

    Network Architecture Corp.
    San Francisco, CA

    DEC MicorVAX; IBM-PC
    Financial GUI
    Tested and redesigned system support utilities for Financial Planner, Data Base Manager and graphic screen support utilities.

    Edutech Project
    Newport Beach, CA

    Commodore 64 (6502); IBM-PC
    BASIC 6502 ASM; 'C'; 8088 ASM
    Client/Server; Animation; Education; Simulation

    Real-Time 3D color animation subroutine library for Commodore 64 and IBM-PC.

    Physical science educational package in video game format incorporating animation library.

    Edutech Project
    Newport Beach, CA
    circa mid-to-late 70's

    Set Top Computer; Intel 8048, MC6847
    Proprietary Real-Time
    Fortran; MDS-230; PL/M; 8048 ASM
    Telecommunications; Entertainment; Education; 'Teledutainment'; Client/Server; Set Top Computer

    Conceived, designed, developed and built the first Set Top Computer. This included 'bread-boarding' Intel 8048 and Motorola 6847 based hardware, as well as the software and box to put it in.

    The device consisted of an Intel 8048 micro computer, a Motorola 6847 video controller, 1200 baud modem circuitry, video RF cable output, and a text and graphics display capability - all on a 6" x 4" package.

    Compulaser, Inc.
    Canoga Park, CA.
    circa 1983

    BASIC, 'C", 8088 ASM
    Realtime Data Acquisition & Process Control

    Compulaser manufactured a laser engraving and etching tool. Upperlevel management and marketing decided to add curves, new fonts, and a graphic editor to the feature set in order to be more competitive.

    The IBM-PC based system did not have the preformance to support curves in realtime using the Basic Language and the floating point math routines provided with MicroSoft Basic.

    It was necessary to drive the laser mirrors in realtime. The procedure was to start the laser's mirrors moving, activate the laser at the proper position, then deactive it at the end of the stroke, decelerate the mirrors, then accelerate them in the proper direction for the next laser stroke, and activate-deactivate the laser at the proper times. In order to burn to the proper depth, the rate at which the laser was draw across the material was also significant.

    The pre-existing software was written in MicroSoft Basic for the DOS Operating System, and did not have adequate perfomance to support much more than a straight line. Since curve required continuous deltas to the mirrors, it was necessary to reprogram the time critical sections in Assembly. The higher level CAD/CAM and Geometrical functions in were reprogrammed in C.

    Emulex Corporation
    Costa Mesa, CA

    BASIC, 8088 ASM
    Hardware Diagnostics

    The company named PERSYST, was bought from the three founders by Emulex for $23,000,000.00 in ~1983, after being in business for only two years. PERSYST built I/O and Graphics boards for the new IBM-PC microcomputer when it was first released.

    DCG designed, developed & implemented interactive menu-driven diagnostic and test software for IBM-PC compatible monchrome and color graphics boards built by PERSYST.

    The Diagnostics were used for Quality Control, as well as repair on returned units.

    Mattel Electronics
    A Division of Mattel Toys
    Torrance, CA
    circa 1982

    DEC MicroVAX; Z-80
    'C', Fortran; Assembly
    Client/Server; Education; CAI; CBT; Client/Server

    Design, develop and implement a High Level Language cross compiler for the Z-80 based Aquarius home computer system. Package was written in Fortran & 'C' to execute on a DEC VAX under Berkeley Unix. The run-time code in Z-80 assembler. Package included high level "Turtle Graphics" primitives.

    CompuServe, Inc
    Columbus, OH
    circa 1982

    DEC-10, DEC-20

    Implemented the first interactive educational development and delivery system with graphics and download-to-micro capablility.

    The "PIES" product would allow the courseware designer to interactively develop and test the course on a powerful main-frame, then cross-compile the courseware to run on a micro-computer or Video Game machine.

    This was a Client/Server system so novel, that it predated the use of the term "Client/Server". Just another first for DCG.

    Digital ChoreoGraphics (formerly EDUTECH Project), provided the first commercial dialup educational delivery system, and the first commercial dialup interactive development system.

    The system was written in Fortran II, and would run under many hardware / operating system environments: Burroughs, IBM, DEC-20, VAX, HoneyWell, and Univac (Unisys). The educational materials so generated would run on MOSTEK-6502, Motorola-6800, Zilog-Z80, and Intel 8080 and 8086 microprocessors.

    It was undoubtedly the first Educational Cross-Compiler. Yet another first for Digital ChoreoGraphics.

    The Source
    Arlington, VA

    Prime Computer

    Implemented the first interactive educational development and delivery system with graphics and download-to-micro capablility. A Client/Server system that predated the use of the terminology.

    Digital ChoreoGraphics (formerly EDUTECH Project), provided the first commercial dialup educational delivery system, and most likely the first every interactive development system.

    The system was written in Fortran II, and would run under many hardware/operating system environments: Burroughs, IBM, DEC-20, VAX, HoneyWell, and Univac (Unisys), and generate educational materials that would run on MOSTEK-6502, Motorola-6800, Zilog-Z80, and Intel 8080 and 8086 microprocessors.

    It was undoubtedly the first Educational Cross-Compiler. Yet another first for Digital ChoreoGraphics.

    Science Applications International Corporation
    Science Applications, Inc.
    La Jolla, CA


    Lead implementation and system integration of CPM-like executive and communications protocol for graphics terminal.

    Under Construction

    TRW Space Systems
    El Segundo, CA

    The BETA Project was a Battlefield Target Awareness communications project. The Department of Defense contract required that the documentation be prepared to MIL-SPEC standards. My team documented the PASCAL code according to military specifications.

    Under Construction

    General Instruments
    Hicksville, NY

    Prepare marketing brochure for proposed 16 bit microcomputer chip (the CP-16000 "SuperChip").

    Under Construction

    Evaluate the proposed 16 bit Digital Signal Processing microcomputer chip (CP-16000); Recommend and specify appropriate application areas.

    Under Construction

    Mesa, AZ

    Analyze and recommend diagnostic requirements for Standoff Target Acquisition System (SOTAS) ground station (GFE).

    Under Construction

    Science Applications International Corporation
    SAI Technology
    La Jolla, CA

    Customize intelligent graphic terminal firmware and telecommunications protocol ( Z-80 ASM).

    Analyze, recommend and implement software configuration management procedures.

    Under Construction

    Pacific Aerosystem, Inc.
    San Diego, CA

    Design Flight Management and Guidance System for remotely piloted jet aircraft (RPV) ( TI-9900, 9980, 9940, Intel MC-48).

    This device grew into the Rockwell Flight Management System, when Rockwell bought PAI's partner - Collins Radio of Newport Beach.

    Under Construction

    International Harvestor Solar Division
    San Diego, CA

    Analyze and evaluate computer graphics requirement and recommend cost effective graphics solution.

    Under Construction

    Beckman Instruments
    Fullerton, CA

    Design and implement a realtime data acquisition and process control system for 8085 based product ( Intel MDS-230, DEC-10).

    Under Construction

    Spectrum 8
    Van Nuys, CA

    Design and implement CAI Author Language executor for 8080 based personal computer (MDS-80, 8080 ASM).

    Under Construction

    Burroughs Corporation
    Rancho Bernardo, CA

    This baby is History - literally! Burroughs was bought by Sperry-Univac (who now call themselves Unisys), then broken up. This link is all we have left. We had developed a CAI (Computer Aided Instruction) development and delivery system for the Burroughs-6000 Series computer. We had developed the same system for Sperry-Univac before Sperry and Burroughs merged.

    Manufacturing Data Systems, Inc
    Ann Arbor, MI
    circa 1970

    MDSI developed the COMPACT-II NC Machine Tool Language.

    Program NC machine tool CAD/CAM language and post-processors using SDS-940. Developed graphic input language for Tektronics 4010 ( XDS-940 ASM, Fortran).

    Under Construction


    Where Did They Go?

    Some of the companies listed have been bought by their larger counterparts, or by parent companies who wished to diversify into the acquired company's industry (affording their founders a comfortable retirement). I have followed a few of these links to their new homes.

    You have been redirected here, for those links I have not followed. You may wish to perform a Google Search for the listed organization for your edification and amusement.
    - author